quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010

Quantum-Holographic Informational Consciousness

NeuroQuantology | December 2009 | Vol 7 | Issue 4 | Page 657-664
Di Biase, Quantum-holographic informational consciousness
ISSN 1303 5150 www.neuroquantology.com

Quantum-Holographic Informational Consciousness
Francisco Di Biase

Albert Schweitzer University, Switzerland;
World Information Distributed, University, Belgium and
Clínica Di Biase,and Geraldo Di Biase University,
Barra do Piraí, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
e-mail: dibiase@terra.com.br

The author propose a quantum-informational holographic model of brainconsciousness-universe interactions based in the holonomic neural networks of Karl Pribram, in the holographic quantum theory developed by David Bohm, and in the non-locality property of the quantum field described by Hiroomi Umezawa.
I consider this model an extension of the interactive dualism of Sir John Eccles, of an interconnection between brain and spirit by means of quantum microsites named dendrons and psychons. I propose a dynamic concept of consciousness seen as a holoinformational flux interconnecting the holonomic informational quantum brain dynamics, with the quantum informational holographic nature of the universe. This self-organizing flux is generated by the holographic mode of treatment of neuronal information and can be optimized through practices of
deep meditation, prayer, and others states of higher consciousness that underlie the coherence of cerebral waves. In brain mapping studies performed during the occurrence of these harmonic states we can see the spectral array of brain waves highly synchronized and perfectly ordered like a unique harmonic wave, as if all frequencies of all neurons from all cerebral centers played the same symphony.
This highly coherent brain state generates the non-local holographic
informational cortical field of consciousness that interconnect the human brain and the holographic cosmos. The comprehension of this holonomic quantum informational nature of brain-consciousness-universe interconnectedness allows us to solve the old mind-matter cartesian hard problem, unifying science,philosophy, and spiritual traditions in a more transdisciplinary, holistic, integrated paradigm. In this new arrangement cosmovision, consciousness and transpersonal phenomena becomes part of Science and of the very holoinformational nature of the Holographic Conscious Multiverse.
Key Words: consciousness, quantum holography, quantum Information, mindbody problem


Here I present a quantum-informational holographic model of brain-conscious-universe interaction based on the holonomic neural
network model of Karl Pribram (Pribram, 1977a;b) and relying on the ontological interpretation of quantum theory developed by David Bohm
(Bohm, 1983; 1987; Bohm and Peat, 1987), with extended nonlocal properties of the quantum field as described by Hiroomi Umezawa (1993). I consider this model an extension of the interactive dualism developed by Sir John Eccles (Eccles, 1952; 1989; 1993; 1994; 1998) and
extended by Richard Amororso (Amoroso, 1999;2000; 2003; Amoroso et al., 2000). Eccles’ idea of an interconnection between brain and spirit
by means of quantum microsites named dendrons (bundles of nerve dendrites) that couple to psychons, (Eccles philosophical
construct of mind that interacted with or coupled to brain dendrons.)has deeply influenced the development of my conception of
consciousness (Di Biase, 1981; 1995; Di Biase and Rocha, 1998; 2000). I propose a dynamic concept of consciousness seen as a holoinformational flux interconnecting holonomic informational Quantum Brain Dynamics (QBD) (di Biase and Rocha, 2000;2004; Di Biase and Amoroso, 2005), with the quantum informational holographic nature of the universe (Di Biase and Amoroso, 2008). This self-organizing flux is generated by a holographic mode of neuronal information that can be optimized through practices of deep meditation,prayer, and other states of higher consciousness.
The quantum potential in Bohm’s ontological interpretation of quantum theory is a guidance principle (called the pilot wave by de Broglie)
and was introduced to ‘steer’ evolution of the wave function of which may effect the coherence of cerebral waves (Di Biase, 1995; Di Biase and Rocha, 1998; 2000; 2004).
Brain mapping studies performed during the occurrence of these harmonic states have shown a highly synchronized and perfectly ordered spectral array of brain waves that form unique harmonic waves, as if all frequencies of all neurons from all cerebral centers played the
same symphony. This highly coherent brain state generates the nonlocal holographic informational cortical field of consciousness interconnecting the human brain and the holographic cosmos (Bohm and Hiley, 1993). The comprehension of this holonomic quantum informational nature of brain-consciousness universe interconnectedness allows us to solve the historic mind-matter Cartesian hard problem
(Chalmers, 1995a; 1995 b; 1996 ), unifying science, philosophy, and spiritual traditions in an expanded transdisciplinary, holistic, paradigm. In this new cosmovision, consciousness and
transpersonal phenomena becomes parts of science and of the very holoinformational nature of the universe (Amoroso et al., 2000).
In this holoinformational cosmovision brain and universe are conceived as quantum holographic informational systems interconnected by an instantaneous universal nonlocal holoinformational flux. This
instantaneous holoinformational brain-cosmos dynamics is based on three pillars of modern science:
1) The holographic neural network processing of brain systems described by neuroscientist Karl Pribram (Pribram,1969; 1980; 1991; 1993; 1997; 1997b).
2) The quantum-holographic theory of the universe developed by physicist
David Bohm (Bohm, 1987; Bohm and Peat, 1987; Bohm and Hiley, 1993).
3) The quantum principle of nonlocality developed by physicist Hiroomi
Umezawa, in his theory of the quantum field (Zurek, 1990).
For a more comprehensive exposition of my text I am going initially to define the terms nonlocality and holographic.


Nonlocality is a fundamental property of the universe, proved to exist at the quantum and macroscopic level, responsible for instantaneous
interactions between all cosmic phenomena - a mathematical consequence of Umezawa’s Quantum Field Theory (Umezawa,, 1993) that unifies the electromagnetic, nuclear and gravitational fields in a subjacent indivisible totality.
Quantum Field Theory explains all subatomic, atomic, microscopic and even macroscopic phenomena, as well as superconductivity and lasers; and is considered the most fundamental physical theory of the
universe. Besides being mathematically similar to the gravitational and electromagnetic fields,the quantum field doesn’t exist physically in 3D
spacetime giving rise to it’s peculiar nonlocal property. As a nonlocal phenomenon it influences instantaneously all others regions of
spacetime, without necessity of any change of energy.
According to classical and relativistic physics nonlocal phenomena do not exist. This theoretical impossibility generated the famous
Einstein-Bohr controversy and the celebrated Einstein-Podolski-Rosen (EPR) Paradox. Einstein and his associates wouldn’t admit that quanta or
information could travel faster than light and
created a thought experiment to demonstrate
that quantum physics was therefore incomplete.
But contrary to their initial proposition, the
existence of nonlocality has been dramatically
and convincingly proven to exist in modern
physics experiments. According to Bohr, if an
atom simultaneously emits two opposite spin
particles, and if we alter the spin of one, even if
they are separated by an enormous distance (for
instance, one in a lab on Earth and the second
on the other side of the galaxy), the spin of the
second is instantaneously modified..
Holographic Systems
Holographic systems are systems that can
generate three-dimensional virtual images. The
virtual image or hologram is created when a
laser falls upon an object and reflects on a plate
and a second laser or rectilinear reflected beam
falls on this plate generating a mix of the waves
from the two beams. This wave interference
pattern stores all the information about the
form and volume of the object, and when it is
reflected it generates a three-dimensional image
of the object in space. The relevancy for us is
that we can prove mathematically and
experimentally that in holographic systems
information about the whole system is
distributed in each part of the system. If we
break the holographic plate, each part of it will
display the entire three-dimensional image of
the object in space, showing us that in
holographic systems the whole is in the parts as
each part is in the whole.
These holographic transformations form
spacetime order from a spectral dimension of
frequencies the description of which is
dependent on the pioneering mathematical
formulations first described by a concept called
monads developed by Leibniz. In the Twentieth
Century Dennis Gabor described the
mathematical principles of holography, winning
him a Nobel Prize. The mathematical
formulations that describe the harmonic curve
resulting from the interference pattern of waves
are called Fourier transformations, after the
18th century French mathematician that
described it. Gabor applied Fourier
transformations to the creation of the hologram
showing how Fourier transforms of the
interference pattern can be used to rebuild the
virtual image of the object by the application of
the inverse process. Gabor showed that from a
dimension of frequencies objects in spacetime
can be rebuilt in a virtual form!
Holographic Neural Networks Fields
Karl Pribram has demonstrated with his
holonomic theory of brain dynamics that the
cerebral cortex is the site of a holographic
information process he calls a multiplex neural
hologram that is dependent on local circuits of
neurons without long fibers that do not transmit
ordinary nervous impulses. “These neurons
function in the undulatory mode and are above
all responsible by the horizontal layer
connections of the neural tissue where
holographic interference patterns can be built”
(Pribram, 1993). Pribram presents evidences
that at the level of conscious experience,
information processing in the brain is basically
Gabor-like rather than binary (as in Shannon’s
information measurement theory). He shows
that the process takes place in a phase space
created by a multiply interconnected web of
teledendrons, synapses and dendrites, called
synaptodendritic web.
The neural hologram is build by the
interaction of the electromagnetic fields of the
neurons similarly to the interaction of sound
waves in a piano. When a piano is played the
keys strike the strings generating a vibrational
standing wave between the two ends of the
string, creating an interference pattern (This
interference can be destructive or constructive).
Nodes of constructive interference, of these
sound frequencies, create the harmony or
harmonics that are the notes making up the
music we listen to. Pribram has demonstrated
that a similar process is continuously occurring in
the cerebral cortex by means of the
interpenetration of the electromagnetic fields of
the adjacent cortical neurons, generating a
harmonic field. According to Pribram’s model his
harmonic electromagnetic field distributed in
the cerebral cortex, holographically stores and
encodes a huge information field responsible for
the emergence of memory and consciousness.
As the music is not in the piano but in the
resonating field that surrounds it, so our
memories and consciousness are not in the
brain, but in the holographic information field
that surrounds it.
Pribram’s neural wave equation
(Pribram, 1993), describing holographic neural
network processing is similar to the Schrödinger
wave equation of quantum theory with the
addition of the de Broglie-Bohm Quantum
Potential. This is not coincidental and opens the
possibility of holographic interaction between
receptive fields in the cortex with the
holographic quantum universe described by
David Bohm. This new holographic paradigm
allows us to rethink the manner in which
information processing occurs in the nervous
system. In this context, Pribram’s quantum
holonomic theory of brain function is one of the
most brilliant and revolutionary contribution to
neuroscience in the 100 years since the initial
studies of Sherrington!
The notion of information implies a certain
ambigüity, meaning the bit capacity of a physical
system (Shannon), or the semantic content
(meaning) conducted by the bits during a
communication. In the information theory, the
organization, the order expressed by the amount
of information in the system (Shannon’s H
function) is the information measure that is
missing to us, the uncertainty about the system.
The classical theory of information
situated at the level of “bit capacity”, is unable
to provide the proper connection to non-local
information and consciousness (Clarke, 1995). So
we need a more radical view of information for
a more radical view of the fundamental nature
of consciousness.
Non-local quantum information
According to Bohm, De Broglie’s model is a new
type of field, which activity is dependent upon
the information content that is conducted to the
whole experimental field. Adding to its
equations a Quantum Potential that satisfies
Schrödinger’s equation, that depends on the
form but not on the amplitude of the wave
function, Bohm developed a model in which this
quantum potential, carries “active information”
that “guides” the particle along its way. This
quantum potential is subtle in its form and does
not decay with the distance.
Information Physics
Developed by Wojciech Zurek (1990) and others,
propose that the physical entropy would be a
combination of two magnitudes that
compensate each other:
1-the observer’s ignorance, measured by
Shannon’s statistical entropy
2-the disorder degree of the observed system,
measured by the algorythmic entropy which is
the smallest number of bits needed to register it
in the memory.
During the measurement, the observer’s
ignorance is reduced, as a result of the increase
in bit numbers in its memory, remaining,
however,constant the sum of these two
magnitudes, that is, the physical entropy.
Quantum Informational View of the Universe
In this informational view of the universe the
observer remains included as part of the system,
and the quantum universe changes because the
observer’s mind unleashed a transfer of
information at a subatomic level.
From this all results a Law of
Conservation of Information as well as or more
fundamental than the law of conservation of
energy. So, as put by Stonier (1993):
Information is the cosmical organizational
principle with a “status” equal to matter and
In another paper (Di Biase and Rocha,
2000), I defined information as “a intrinsic,
irreducible and non-local, property of the
universe, capable of generate order, selforganization
and complexity” . Chalmers (1995a;
1995b; 1996), defines consciousness as “an
irreducible aspect of the universe, like space and
time and mass”. So we conclude that
consciousness is non-local information with a
status equal to matter and energy
3. The Holographic Multiverse
The mathematical formulations that describe the
harmonic slope resulting from wave interference
are Fourier transformations that Dennis Gabor
applied to the development of the hologram,
enriching it by the application of the inverse
process, a model in which the interference
pattern rebuilds the object in a virtual image. In
other words, from the spectral dimension of
frequency one can reconstruct mathematically
and experimentally the object in spacetime
This holographic organization mode is
also what Bohm applied to quantum theory to
develop his holographic quantum theory of the
universe. In Bohm’s universe model, space and
time are mixed, “folded” into a dimension of
frequencies that is an implicit hidden order
without spacetime relations. In this field of
frequencies dimensional fluctuations occur,
more intense “undulations” like holographic
patterns, to build a spacetime dimension (Peat,
1987). This explicit order is our manifest
universe. According to Bohm (1983):
“In the implicate order everything is folded
into everything. But it’s important to note
here that the whole universe, is in principle
enfolded into each part actively through the
holomovement, as well as the parts. Now
this means that the dynamic activity-internal
and external- which is fundamental for what
each part is, is based on its enfoldment of all
the rest, including the whole universe. But of
course, each part may unfold others in
different degrees and ways. That is, they are
not all enfolded equally in each part. But the
basic principle of enfoldment in the whole, is
not thereby denied. Therefore enfoldment is
not merely superficial or passive but, I
emphasize again, that each part is in a
fundamental sense internally related in its
basic activities to the whole and to all the
other parts. The mechanistic idea of external
relation as fundamental, is therefore denied.
Of course such relationships are still
considered to be real, but of secondary
significance. That is, we can get
approximations to a mechanistic behavior
out of this. That is to say, the order of the
world, as a structure of things that is
basically external to each other, comes as
secondary and emerges from the deeper
implicate order”.

4. Towards a Holoinformational Theory of
Experimental research developed by Pribram
and other consciousness researchers like
Hameroff (1994; 2007) and Penrose (Hameroff
and Penrose, 1996; 2003), Jibu and Yassue
(1995), confirm the existence of a Quantum
Brain Dynamics in neural microtubules, in
synapses and in the molecular organization of
the cerebrospinal fluid. This Quantum Brain
Dynamics can generate Bose-Einstein
condensates and the Fröhlich Effect. Bose-
Einstein condensates consist of atomic particles,
or in the case of the Fröhlich Effect biological
molecules, that can assume a high level of
coherent alignment, functioning as a highly
ordered and unified informational state, as seen
in lasers and superconductivity. These quantum
dynamics show us that the interaction process
between dendrons and psychons, described by
Eccles, are not limited to the synaptic cleft, as
stated by Eccles, but a much wider embodiment
throughout the whole brain. Psychons are
presumed to operate on synapses by way of
quantum processes.
Pribram (1991) demonstrates good
evidence that Eccles' dendrons make up
receptive fields in cortical sensory units.
Dendrons are composed of pre-synaptic
teledendrons, synapses and post-synaptic
dendrites. They compose the fine fiber structure
wherein brain processing occurs. As Pribram
states (1991), “as sensory generated receptive
fields they can be mapped in terms of wavelets,
or wavelet-like patterns such as Gabor
Elementary Functions. Dennis Gabor (1946)
called these units Quanta of Information. The
reason for this name is that Gabor used the same
mathematics to describe his units as had
Heisenberg in describing the units of quantum
microphysics. Here they define the unit structure
of processes occurring in the material brain”.
Like Pribram , I see this quantum
holographic interactions not as a contradiction
but as a natural extension of Eccles ideas (Eccles,
1952; 1989; 1993; 1994; 1998; Popper and
Eccles, 1977).
I expanded my conjecture that the
interconnectedness between brain and cosmos
is an instantaneous nonlocal connection and to
the concept of a holoinformational flux, from
which both mind and matter are in-formed, that
resembles Bohm’s holomovement. But in this
new concept, quantum holographic brain
dynamic patterns are conceived as an active part
of the universal quantum-holographic
informational field, and capable of generating an
informational field interconnection that is
simultaneously nonlocal (quantum-holistic) and
local (Newtonian-mechanistic), i.e.,
holoinformational. Taking yet in consideration
the basic mathematical property of holographic
systems in which the information of the whole
system is distributed in each part of the system,
plus Bohm’s holographic quantum physics data,
and the experimental data of the holonomic
theory of Pribram, we propose that this
universal interconnectedness (Laszlo, 2003)
could permit us to access all the information (Di
Biase and Rocha, 2000; 2004; Di Biase and
Amoroso, 2005; 2008) codified in the wave
interference patterns existing in all the universe
since its origin. The quantum-holoinformational
nature of the universe interconnects each part,
each brain-consciousness, with all the
information stored in the holographic patterns
distributed in the whole cosmos, in an indivisible
irreducible informational cosmic unity (Bohm
and Hiley, 1993; Di Biase and Amoroso, 2008;
Zurek, 1990).
As a consciousness exercise, analogous
to Einstein’s thought experiments, we could
compare this universal informational
interconnectedness with the following
metaphoric quotations from various spiritual
traditions: As above so below (Alchemy). All that
is outside is inside (Upanishads). The father is
inside us (Christianity). As in the earth so in the
heavens (Christianity). This universal
interconnectedness could be perfectly
understood as a Cosmic Holographic
Consciousness in this conception is the
holoinformational flux that permits the
interaction of the Holonomic Informational
Quantum Brain Dynamics - that we can consider
as extended dendrons - with the quantumholographic
nature of the universe, that we can
view as an extended cosmic psychon.
As I have already put Pribram states, that as
sensory receptive fields dendrons can be
mapped in terms of Gabor’s Elementary
Functions or wavelet-like patterns, and Gabor
called these unities Quanta of Information,
because he used the same mathematics to
describe it as Heisenberg did in describing units
of quantum physics. Yet Pribram shows:
They define the unit structure of processes
occurring in the material brain. However,
Gabor invented his function, not to describe
brain processes, but to find the maximum
compressibility of a telephone message that
could be sent over the Atlantic Cable without
destroying its intelligibility. The Gabor
function thus describes both a unit of brain
processing and a unit of communication.
Brain is material, communication is mental.
The same mathematical formulation
describes both. The elementary structure of
processing in Eccles material dendron is
identical to the elementary structure of
processing of a mental (communication)
psychon. There is a structural identity to the
dual interactive process (Amoroso, 2003).
Richard Amoroso, creator of Noetic Field
Theory (Amoroso, 1999; 2000; Amoroso et al.,
2000), tell us that “Consciousness pervades
atoms, is the organizing power deeper than
gravitation (unitary field), that frames the
universe, causes gravitation, and the flux or élan
vital which gives life and is the ‘light of the
mind’... this basic holistic framework
incorporates the implicate and explicate order
described by Bohm” (Eccles, 1989; 1994). This
noetic definition of consciousness is as radical as
our holoinformational consciousness, and I think
we are saying the same thing with different
5. Transpersonal States of Consciousness as
highly synchronized harmonic brain state
Through practices of deep meditation, prayer,
and others states of higher consciousness that
elevates the coherence of cerebral waves, this
universal interconnectedness becomes
expanded by synchronizing the functioning of
the cerebral hemispheres and unleashing a
highly coherent brain state that optimizes the
holographic treatment of neuronal information.
In brain mapping studies this highly
synchronized harmonic state shows brain waves
highly synchronized and perfectly ordered, in a
unique harmonic wave, as if all frequencies of all
neurons from all cerebral centers played the
same symphony. In my concept this highly
harmonic synchronized state generates a
nonlocal holographic informational cortical field
creating a holoinformational flux of
consciousness interconnecting the human mind
with the Holographic Cosmic Consciousness. A
survey of these electroencephalographic and
clinical studies can be found in my Portuguese
books (Di Biase, 1995; Di Biase and Rocha, 1998;
2004), and the mathematics of it can be view in
a recent paper I published with Richard
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NeuroQuantology | December 2009 | Vol 7 | Issue 4 | Page 657-664
Di Biase, Quantum-holographic informational consciousness
ISSN 1303 5150 www.neuroquantology.com
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